Technical Documentaion Services
Hands-on Quality and Cost effective documentation
Technical documentation behaves either as the first or last step taken by the users to access any authentic information. IT applications and systems are assessed across the globe. Though localization of the content has made it easy to communicate with specific users, the process is quite expensive. Taking English as the choicest communication medium, companies are interacting with its users efficiently.
Technical documentation is an elite writing service about presenting the information related to a product or service precisely. This is indeed a cost-effective and measurable way that engages target audience without leaving any space for uncertainty, bias or ambiguity.
Users understand simple words than complex. Yes, though it is technical documentation, the more simply you write it the more users find it readable. The ultimate aim of having a proper documentation for a product is to streamline communication.
The Technical Writing Team at Inovies can devise a planned structure of presenting information that comprehensively meets the level of your target audience. We amend all our information design skills in an array of technologies to write easily understandable information.
Our wide services “Intents to bridge the gap between your end-users and technology through a compendious documentation”.
Are you wasting your time and cost on preparing featured documentation that eventually turns out to be complex? Stop worrying and avail our trusted offerings. Creating user documentation in compliance with all your statutory requirements, we deliver you quality and cost effective services. We design documents that comply with both national and international standards, telling the users about your core business focus. We create user manuals, installation guides, API References, Online help and other technical documentation related services with proficiently.
We follow-Robust Methodology to technical documentation
Our technical writing team do the work with an ease for any target audience- may it be for national or international users. We adhere to latest style-guides that enunciate requirements of an effective documentation. Relying on the clients’ and project requirements, we take inputs and also suggest them using simple text editing tools like Adobe Frame Maker, Madcap Flare and Adobe RoboHelp, providing resourcing functionalities.
Good documentation creates users interest to read information, but quality documentation empowers users to lessen the number of calls to customer care. To insure a high quality of documentation to your information and allow users/readers to get started on their own; we integrate a robust methodology into our wide technical documentation services.