What makes your User Experience worth Remembering
I t is necessary to understand that, how our mind receives the things which appears in our sight. This will definitely help you in knowing the fact about how can we provide best user experience, so that you could not face failed attempts of online efforts.
When you give a good User Experience , it increases your web presence and creates a sense of “coming back” feeling to the site. Now, that is the matter of success in terms of engaging your website visitors.
Once you start winning this moment, your’s much efforts does not require later. Follow right practices for building your User Experience worth rememberable by understanding the mentioned ideas.
Short Inputs by users
I f you have something stored in your flash memory you will forget it in next instance. It could happen with the prompt disturbances around us like getting a call or disturbed by somebody around.
So when a user visits your website and he fills the multiple details, his flash memory get overloaded by the details rather than your web experience which you are giving. Instead allow user to give single input like a single contact detail or something short information.
Start and the climax
I t is a human nature which says that a person remembers mostly what is there in the starting and the climax so, if we can put the important information there then it will stay in the mind for longer term. You keep whatever content you want to keep in the middle, that is not observed much as user visits your website for a fraction of a second and then he scrolls quickly.
That important information at the start and end is stored in the mind and it will help remembering so the important information could be a presentation, any experience or any services.
Segment the content key points
R emember those days when you use to underline those key points in a paragraph to remember for your exams. Similar theory is applicable here also, when any data is kept in a bulk it looks like a piled up challenge to read.
But, when you highlight the same data into key points that could be a nice invitation to read your content and that are easy to remember hence it is stored in the mind. It could be divided into few points like four or something less number avoid overloading of points.
This is how we engage our readers in our blog posts also. The segmentation trick.
User guides
I n order to remember something we generally follow the practice of repeating again and again. So, when any application is available with its user guide that and we follow same steps then that get stored in our mind. For example, think of the instance when you created your first Google account, it guided you for its access. Now, that’s what we call a good UX.
Playing with visuals
M ost of the times visual depiction is more helpful in explaining instead of written words. When you create your website play with visuals, meaning do some innovative designing which can be worth remembering like playing with logos, etc. Use nice colour combinations , highlight key features with different colours or depicting images.
This is how users can connect to you even when they remember your website. Once a client approached us, she give us a reference site where the referred site was having a moving cloud in the landing page and she was stressing on it. So, this is how that referred site owner grabbed her attention and it’s called best UX.
Furthermore things like getting attention of users through videos with playing music in background, or asking questions by wizards rather than bombarding a user with hundreds of options can be done. You need to do smartplay with your website, by keeping in the mind that the kind of users you need to attract.
This is how you can hit a human mind by generating remembrance wave to get your User Experience worth remembering.
Drafted by our Inovian