Bid Adieu to Aged Trends in Web Design Development Technology
T he best part of any trend is “Aging” .yes the current trends in any market are being replaced by new ones, making the continuous improvement intact. Web design is visibly a fast paced environment where the trends seldom stay longer. 2019 has been witnessing a dramatic change in the web design ambiance and it’s the time we bid adieu to the old and aged trends in web design.
Here is the list of the trends set to wave good bye in 2019. Repetition of aged patterns can not only weigh your design lower but also tag it as non trendy and old fashioned.
Go Responsive and shun the mobile version
G one are the days where the mobile versions were in place for the mobile users. Detecting the type of users and suggesting the user for the version is volatile in the current era. It is however been replaced by a revolutionary trend “ Responsive web design” where any type of user could browse through the website irrespective of the type of the device being used. And now that’s called a great trend setter. Google, being one of the prominent trend setters encourages the responsive web design , which coagulates very well with the Search engine optimization.
Ditch Back link with User engagement
T he beauty of search engine optimization lies in its research and many ways people find to make their website top in search results . Thanks to the changing dynamics of Google in case of SEO. The concept of back link is not restricted to finding links to the website anymore, rather it is inevitable now that the user engagement to the website.
The concept of user engagement measures the time frame the user is attached to the website, the website designers and maker’s needs to produce the quality the user is interested in with typography, right content and desired products and services to achieve the same.
Meta key words and Meta description
T he concept of Meta key words and Meta description is no longer a wanted task in the search engine optimization. The search engines are making a leap ahead to make the right content taken from the website to the search results making them appear in the top pages. For instance Google makes the website content which is apt to the services and the products the website is offering.
For this, it is mandatory that the website content is quality without unnecessary stuffing of keywords in the description and the content. The quality of the data, its uniqueness decides the rank of the website.
Multiple images replaced with Image Sprites
T he website is said to be good not only when the web design is appealing, but also when the load time is lower and quick in response. The number of images in a website tends to slower the load time, making it slow to respond. It is due to the multiple server requests being sent. Image Sprite is the new trend came as a rescue to save the bandwidth and offer speed load of a website. Image sprite is a collection of images to form a single image where the part of the desired image been shown instead of showing all the coagulated images.
Pay per click
he art of advertisement online goes better with the new adapted techniques in to it. While the pay per click advertisement has been discarded and replaced with the contextual advertisement where the right audience with the desired age, gender , preferential targets could be focused and concentrated , lowering the effort and the amount been spent on the online advertisement.
Pay per click, hence has now been outdated and been replaced by tailored advertisement techniques in line with the target users tastes and geographical locations.
Text vs Typography
N ow the era has come where the user want to grab the information quick and make fast decisions They do not have time to sit back and read through the paragraphs been placed in the website. The text heavy sites hence been are termed as incompetent now in the current market and is been replaced by the visuals, typography where the readability increases and the user can browse though the website which ensure user engagement
Although none of the current trends are permanent, it is triumphant to have worked on all the new trends in the market and adapt to the new ones once they are set.
Change is the continuous process of improvement, how true is that!!